All about Jess + Lifestyle

My Thoughts on Alcohol

04 July 2014
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You know that I am a firm believer in enjoying the pleasures of life – and that includes a glass of red wine sometimes! To socialize without needing a total detox afterward, there are some guidelines I follow.

Firstly, clean eating and alcohol don’t mix well. The body stores alcohol first, meaning that carbs and fats get stored as fat rather than being used as fuel. If you’re going to have a drink, these are my best choices:

  • Spirits: Dry gin or vodka with soda water and fresh lime/lemon
  • Wine: Go for red wine as it’s high in antioxidants and lower in sugar. Organic versions have less preservatives

Remember, alcohol is a neurotoxin and shoud be drunk in moderation. It’s important to socialise and enjoy the pleasures of life, so go ahead and have that glass of wine on the weekend. Drinking should be a rare treat, not something you rely on to have fun or deal with other problems.

Get more tips and healthiest picks in The Clean Life. Cheers! 

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